It's time for PET plastic juice bottles- Packaging Guide

There is an increasing interest among consumers for reusable bottles and containers, which is are just for plastic juice or water bottles. And when it comes to packaging, there are developments and designs that have replaced the so-called durable metal and glass bottles. Sailor Plastics: Water & Juice Bottles


Though plastic juice bottles are made from a variety of resins, you can do a great job of shifting your packaging to PET bottles. If you are not aware, plastic bottles have a code imprinted on them which tells what type of plastic they are made from, reusable or not as well as to help with batch sorting during recycling.


On-the-go Convenient Packaging: Features of PET Plastic Juice Bottles

  1. Firstly, plastic bottles are durable and contain no harmful chemicals, thus giving you cleaner ingredients that are ready to use.

  2. One of its cool features is that these bottles are designed to shield the juice or beverages from outside temperatures- ensuring that the content remains the way it is. That is why most of the drinking bottles use PET plastic ensuring that the exterior temperature doesn't cause the ingredients to react with the chemicals.

  3. It would bring down the total cost of the products as compared to the stainless steel and glass packaging.

  4. Plus, customer demands are more sophisticated than ever, including personalized packaging, quality, and positive environmental impact of the material. With plastic bottles, you have the liberty to react to user preferences. For example, delivering differently shaped, unique looking, and more functional-looking packaging that gathers valuable customers to your products.

Why use PET bottles?

  1. Build brand awareness and loyalty: With the intent to tap into the market and make a place among your competitors you need customer retention that can be only achieved through consistent packaging and brand messaging.

  2. Packaging that adapts to individual needs: With PET bottles that let brands mix and match shapes opt for colors and sizes, individual needs can be easily accommodated with personalized packaging.

  3. Improver user experience: We can't stress enough how important the look, feel, and functionality of the packaging and it can be more high-end by dividing the production cost into different aspects. Through standardization of packaging, businesses can simply optimize on their operations.

Impact of Packaging on Potential Users:

Plastic packaging is not new but it has evolved into the area of growth and opportunity, especially in the food and beverage industry. Although, the reusable packaging was concentrated in large pack sizes that consumers could use but now flexible packaging with size is what consumers like and brands opt for.


Rather than making large-size bottles or designing refill stations, juice brands are increasingly developing bottles in several sizes so as to make it easy for the consumer to try the product and then take the product in a bigger size for consumption.


Here cost remains the major bottleneck for the implementation of plastic packaging. This is the most common challenge companies face when opting for glass or metal bottles, and PET bottle manufacturers are stepping up to provide an innovative way to overcome the challenges.


However, in the run to reduce price, the make should be durable and made of materials that are reliable than the cheaper plastics. This is majorly a concern across industries and stands as a major impediment to adopting alternatives that enhance the look and are also produced with the highest safety standards.


Who should use plastic packaging?

  1. High-volume shipments

  2. Wide variety of products

  3. Frequent deliveries

  4. Longer shipment distances

  5. Insufficient storage or warehouse facility


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