The Potential of Sustainable Packaging!

Brands in the food and beverage industry around the world are turning to sustainable packaging for many reasons, including the benefits it provides, corporate social responsibilities, reducing waste, and increasing sales. Since we only have one livable planet, everyone including businesses has to play a part in preserving the planet.

To that end, if you are in the beverage industry that wants to be more eco-friendly, one important thing you can do is opt for PET or LDPE bottles for water, liquor, honey, or salad dressings. Since you are in the business of selling products to customers, you are likely to try a lot of plastic materials whenever you pack or ship products.


What is sustainable packaging?

To simply put, it is the packaging that significantly reduces the footprint on the environment which can happen in a number of ways:
Packaging material: Using 100% recyclable materials like PET  for liquor or plastic water bottles.
Manufacturing process: By following a production process and supply chain that reduces the carbon footprint.
Reusability: A material like PET that can be reused for several different aspects, which extends its lifecycle and usability.

For the food manufacturers and the beverage industry, there is a constant need to significantly curb the volume of packaging waste. However, a question that arises is how manufacturers can minimize the use of plastic with the increased amount of plastic products consumed by people.

PET bottles can be your savior, depending on the specification of the bottle, the bottle design and color can be easily created using PET recycled packaging material. The availability and the rise in the demand for sustainable packaging are becoming more and more interesting to the beverage industry with the use of PET plastic.

Furthermore, it is also important to have a sustainable design, which means designing a product packaging with the main purpose of doing as little harm to the environment as possible. Though, this can be easily achieved by using recycled material, for bottles the caps can also be made with the same material while keeping the labelling in mind. For instance, water or juice bottles can be reused for other storage purposes. Simply using recyclable material that can be reused, regardless of what plastic material it is, can do wonders too.

Here are some of the benefits that come with sustainable packaging:

Optimized packaging reduces your carbon footprint: When you work with a sustainable packaging partner like Sailor Plastics, you will get custom-designed packaging bottles that are optimized to lessen environmental impact and increase your efficiency. This probably comes as no surprise but the moment your business implements sustainable materials and processes is the moment it begins to reduce the negative impact that it has had on the environment. With the use of sustainable material, you are nonetheless reducing your CO2 emissions by using safe materials for your finished goods.

Free of allergens and toxins: Most biodegradable packaging options like PET are non-toxic and allergy-free. Though the options available under flexible packaging are not plentiful yet, with PET plastic these can be easily implemented into your packaging. So sustainable materials are a great way to extend the life of previously used materials. When deciding on the containers, bottles, or caps for high-quality PET liquor containers, consider using bio-plastics that are made of flexible materials. Not only this, consumers are becoming more aware of what products and materials can harm their well-being in the long run. That being said, PET plastics are best for the safety and health of the users.

Manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices: The production of plastic bottles and containers uses considerable quantities of raw materials, water, fuel, and power which results in a considerable negative effect on the environment. Brands following a sustainable packaging strategy seek to refine the manufacturing process to make the best use of practices and technologies that least affect the environment.


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