5 Plastic Juice Containers Trends To Watch

Juice containers and the prevailing trends in the market place is a bigger deal now than it used to be. With PET plastic bottle suppliers dominating the beverage market share is far outdistancing other materials like glass and aluminum. And with so much competition on the shelves, for the new emerging brands, it has become important to consider cost-effective packaging with finer points of an eye-catching packaging design.

Sailor Plastics | PET Plastic Bottle Manufacturer & Supplier Company

PET plastic bottles for the beverage industry, especially juice containers or mini bottles are a popular choice among juice manufacturers due to their versatility and environmental benefits. With the determined trends for packaging on the rise, juice makers are becoming more creative with their ideas, different shapes, and designs.

Let's explore the innovative trends and ideas for juice containers:

Interactive packaging: Though interactive packaging has been present for some time now, but with the new technological advancements being added the companies are integrating it in some way or the other to gain popularity and stay ahead of their competitors. Interactive packaging can be in the form of QR code scanners present on the label of the plastic bottles. This provides an engaging as well as transparent experience for the buyers by scanning the code present on the bottle consumer can gain access to a secure platform on their smartphone, which can provide access to the important information about the product the consumer wants to know.

Environmental friendly and sustainable packaging: In the packaging world, sustainability has become increasingly important. With this, it appears that companies are taking the initiative to make the shift toward the integration of sustainable and recyclable practices into the manufacturing process.

Clear potential of transparent packaging: With the interactive packaging trends consumers gain more access and better understanding of product information and choices, companies are pushed to launch plastic packaging and containers for juice that are transparent with information that is clear and concise in order to promote trust between the brand and consumer. Moreover, with food and beverage items, consumers are more interested in see-through beverage packaging which allows them to see what they are buying, which is a possible red flag for aluminum cans and bottles as well as other flexible options.

Convenience and on-the-go options: The size, shape, and weight of beverage packaging can have a huge impact on the consumers. Mini PET bottles among wholesalers are staking a serious claim in the beverage segment. On an obvious more noticeable scale, small and mini packaging can create big brand recognition.

Other trends based on the design:

  1. Because clear packing is the trend that is used to make the beverage in the container transparent, using the same colored as the beverage PET bottle cap can add a pop of color. Adding a similar color cap and closure have become a popular choice in the beverage industry to add safety and aesthetics.
  2. Many organic juice brands market their products towards young children, which calls for convenient and mini packaging that is easy to handle for them.
  3. Minimal or what we call back-to-basics look is growing, including the packing trends in the juice market. A minimal bottle design is followed by the most basic and important information that can be necessary for the consumer. A simple, clean, and interactive design is now preferred over wordy and congested design.
  4. Beverage brands are always on the lookout to differentiate their brand from competitors. Getting help from a leading PET plastic bottle supplier is an easy way to attract attention and make their product different from others on the store-shelves.
  5. The size variation on a shelf can easily attract a consumer's view, and beverage packages seem to be implementing the most drastic and eye-catching changes for marketing their products.


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