How to Reduce – Reuse – Recycle Your Plastic Water Bottle?

How many times did you buy plastic water bottles in 2020? Did you take any measures to reuse the same drinking container in a better way? Biodegradable plastics may sound like the perfect solution to all the problems caused due to the usage of plastics. But the users need to understand that biodegradable doesn’t necessarily mean compostable, so more often than not these end up in landfills. Though PET bottles can be recycled other plastics can take years to decompose when dumped in landfills.

In recent years, it has become evident that plastic is one of the major reasons for environmental concerns the world is facing today. At that rate, the more we can reuse the same bottle and then recycle the better.


Reducing and reusing Plastic water bottle:

Plastic bottles and bottle caps rank as the third and fourth most collected items in the list of trash items. So what can be done instead?

Sailor Plastics | PET Plastic Bottle Manufacturer & Supplier Company


The most effective way to reduce waste is not to create it in the first place. As you might know, making a new product requires a lot of materials and energy. Plastic bottles for soft drinks, juice, or water are one of the handy ways to grab them on-the-go and they don’t shatter even if these are dropped.

Instead of paying for a new container, why not use the few bottles you already have in your home and keep them with you. This way, not only will you save money by not having to pay for containers or purchase water bottles once you head out to shop or run errands, but also you will be contributing less plastic to the problem.


Reusing is extremely applicable for many products we purchase and use in our daily lives. However, for some products, it may not be possible to reuse them or safe to reuse them. However, PET bottles can be reused as these are FDA approved.


Plastic caps that keep your food fresh and help you juice or soda stay fizzy while keeping nasty stuff like bugs and dirt out of reach can be reused. Even though these are made from different types of plastic than the bottles before you toss the bottle or its cap in the bin these can be used to put back on bottles.


Recycle your water bottles:

Recycling should be a part of our daily lives, it might seem daunting if you have not ever done so but once you start it becomes easier and way of life. Plastic bottles can be recycled into storage containers, ropes, brooms, or more bottles.

So if you can’t reduce the use of a product or you are not able to reuse and adapt the things in your daily lives, then your best option is to recycle the product once you are done using it. Once you are ready to dispose of it, choose a recycling container instead of a trash bin. Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that take less energy than making fresh material all over again.


For sure, it is a hassle to clean your peanut butter jar or reuse those containers lying in your home. However, recycling them rather than dumping them in the bin can have vastly different impacts and the choice is yours.


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