What steps should be taken by plastic bottle manufacturers during the Covid-19 virus outbreak?

    The outbreak of Covid-19 or Coronavirus is a rapidly changing situation that is affecting all of us. When the going gets tough the tough gets going, the pandemic is the toughest challenge that most countries are facing from public safety and economic standpoints in a long time.However, there are points-of-light steps which can be undertaken by plastic bottles manufacturers, piercing the present pandemic-induced darkness.

      Covid-19outbreak is an unprecedented event, affecting communities worldwide. None of us have previously experienced a situation like the one we are currently going through.

        In this context, extraordinary measures are needed to ensure that the supplies and manufacturing can continue to deliver on our promise to protect what’s good. To do this, the plastic bottles manufacturers should keep in mind the two priorities:

       ●      To protect people: By keeping people safe, both our own employees and those of our customers and other stakeholders.
Taking safety measures while producing the bottles having full traceability to the source.

Lorin Krueger – Sailor Plastics – Connect Business MagazineThe manufacturers should consider continuing to work with their customers, suppliers, governments and local authorities in the constant effort to achieve these two major goals. This includes undertaking certain important measures at the facilities and in the daily operations with customers.
Despite more stringent travel restrictions, the plastic manufacturers should continue maintaining their services as best they can. On the one hand, they can offer remote services or allow the customers to take part in factory acceptance tests via video link. On the other, they should strictly follow the HACCP food safety program and procedures, check whether the content drops directly into plastic lined boxes from machines with minimum human handling. All the boxes containing any shipments are sealed properly and the area of the warehouse being disinfected at regular intervals.
In all cases, take account of your own particular rules for dealing with the Coronavirus and find personalized solutions in order to protect everyone involved.
Plus, you can instruct your associates to work from home. Those who are unable to do so subject to strict rules as regard hygiene and distancing. Whenever possible, replace business travel with conference calls and Skype sessions. This will ensure your contacts remain available to you all times. 

       Additional measures:

      These rigorous precautionary measures can help in protecting your employees and their families, your customers and suppliers, and the communities in which you are operating. These align with the latest guidance from the World Health Organization and include: 

            Global and regional response teams in contact with authorities and experts to actively manage the situation.
      No travel.
      Quarantine protocols for employees who may have had exposure.
      Screening at office and manufacturing locations through a health, safety and travel questionnaire.
      Repeated, clear advice on hygiene and social distancing for employees.
      Increased use of personal hygiene products like disinfectant hand gels.
      Updating and testing business continuity plans to ensure continued supply of products to customers.
      Added machine cleaning cycle (buttons, interior parts, exterior parts etc.
      Protocols for a swift and effective response should a colleague become infected.

     Manufacturing network sites should be working with the suppliers to mitigate as much as possible, so that there is no impact on the offerings to the customers. Also don’t forget to be in touch with your logistics partners with aim to ensure continued shipments to your customers in various potential scenarios.


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