Round Plastic Bottles: Guide to Choose Your Beverage Packaging

Given the growing number of brands and need for beverages, quality beverage solutions are in great demand nowadays. And due to the critical role of packaging in the retail market, there is no reason that you can launch your beverage without a great label and some round plastic bottles.


Sailor Plastics | PET Plastic Bottle Manufacturer & Supplier Company

 Note that, beverage packaging when you buy in wholesale, provides you with a lot of upsides, that is from the manufacturing process, transportation, selling, marketing, and customer experience.  From evolving world of eCommerce where packaging is at the forefront, our ultimate guide will serve as a savior when you are looking for basics and staples for 2022 and beyond.


The popularity of packaging: Beverage brands adopting small and round plastic bottles

Unlike other industries, B2B and B2C packaging is of equal importance- and for very different reasons. For instance, if you are a brand serving B2B just like most manufacturers, you will focus more on beverage safety, avoiding spoilage, and reducing the overall costs. While if you are serving B2C, you might focus heavily on the aesthetics and of course branding, most importantly quality packaging that will drive a positive customer experience.


Thus, the demand for better and convenient packaging is promoted industry-wide. At the same time, the race to improve the packaging, all these factors together lead to the overall growth of the beverage packaging material.


Also, you can now easily find an alternative to bio plastics that is PET bottles made from plant-based materials rather than petroleum-based materials.


So all in all, you need beverage packaging with a proper design that can extend the shelf life of the product as a whole and save it from spoilage from manufacturing to when it reaches your customer. That is to say, it all depends on the material of your packaging!


Factors to Consider When Selecting Your Round Plastic PET Bottles:

To make your drink or salad dressing suitable, you need to be extra careful with the form, structure, material, color, safety, and convenience of use. Here is what any packaging bottle should offer:

  1. Protect your content: Your packaging bottle should create a vehicle for the contents to contain, protect, transport, dispense, store, and distinguish your beverage in the marketplace among competitors. Throughout the product's logistics chain from manufacturer to consumer, PET packaging helps keep the product intact. What's more, it should protect the drinks from the outside elements that might affect customer experience while they consume your delicious juice or use salad dressing.

  1. Increase product visibility: You would want to communicate a product's function and generate sales at the same time, for this it is imperative to meet advertising objectives. Good packaging that is attractive and properly designed will give your product a shelf presence. From brand messaging to product information, your packaging label should communicate necessary information, that is, the ingredients, manufacturing date, and direction of use if any. This will give an excellent first impression, with a loud and clear message.

Rigid PET Bottles: The Biggest Packaging Material

For carbonated as well as non-carbonated beverages, rigid PET bottles are now the biggest packaging material. This material is very convenient for people and lightweight to carry, not as easy to damage as glass packaging. Therefore, for long distances and great appearance, this stands as a number one choice for brands.


Before you start with anything, that is deciding the size or shape, there is a need to do a thorough analysis. The following questions will help you make an informed decision:

  1. What are you selling? This will involve narrowing down the properties, that is what is it made of, or are the ingredients sensitive to light or other external factors. For instance, if it is something fragile or any chilled or refreshing drink it would be wise to opt for PET bottles. 
  2. Who is supposed to consume the product? Is the product directed for adults or children, men or women? The aura of the packaging should be such that it appeals to the target consumer because they are the ones who make the final decision and use the product. This also decides if they will be making repeat purchase.


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