
Showing posts from November, 2020

How to Reduce – Reuse – Recycle Your Plastic Water Bottle?

How many times did you buy plastic water bottles in 2020? Did you take any measures to reuse the same drinking container in a better way? Biodegradable plastics may sound like the perfect solution to all the problems caused due to the usage of plastics. But the users need to understand that biodegradable doesn’t necessarily mean compostable, so more often than not these end up in landfills. Though PET bottles can be recycled other plastics can take years to decompose when dumped in landfills. In recent years, it has become evident that plastic is one of the major reasons for environmental concerns the world is facing today. At that rate, the more we can reuse the same bottle and then recycle the better.   Reducing and reusing Plastic water bottle: Plastic bottles and bottle caps rank as the third and fourth most collected items in the list of trash items. So what can be done instead?   The most effective way to reduce waste is not to create it in the first place. As you might know,