
Showing posts from September, 2021

Are LDPE Bottles Right for My Product?

With a number of packaging alternatives readily available in the market, plastic is often a more efficient material to opt for. Why? Because plastic packaging is incredibly energy efficient to manufacture, most importantly, the different resins offer different properties. You will definitely find material that meets your needs!   Finding the Right Plastic Packaging for Your Products! You don't need to invest in 3 pounds of aluminum or 40 pounds of glass, to bring home the right packaging for your beverages, honey, or salad dressings. If you have been on a hunt for some classic yet affordable packaging, then look no further than plastic packaging.   Packaging plays an important role, for instance, it determines product value, price, and marketability. So failing to choose a compatible packaging with your products will not only reduce the shelf-life but also impact the revenue dramatically. Plus, you need to know that every product has a different composition with different properti

Choosing a Cap for Your Plastic Bottle

When selecting a closure or cap for your plastic bottle packaging there are many factors to consider. Meanwhile, the preference to consumer demands a higher degree of light weighing in caps or closures for beverages other than water and containers is taking place. Such properties can only be achieved with the help of reliable plastic caps manufacturers who provide you with a unique advantage to select solutions according to your needs.   As important as the content of your product, the packaging and presentation of the product also play an important role. The design and the type of bottle, shape, and color will determine not only the use of the product but will also help consumers to choose the products wisely. To simply put, a wrong cap that doesn't fit or matches the aesthetics will make your product difficult to use as well as deter consumers from making another purchase.   When finding the perfect cap, there are several factors to consider, various options to go over, such as