
Showing posts from July, 2021

Honey Bear bottle: The Best Way to Store Honey

If you invest in a high-quality sweetener like all-natural raw honey, put a little time into protecting your investment is a prudent choice. Keep reading this blog post to scour the perfect containers, temperatures, and places to store your drool-worthy raw honey. Containers to Store Honey It is paramount to store your honey in air-tight containers--it helps to save the water content of honey. If the water is allowed to evaporate, water is extracted from the honey, which will lead to quick crystallization. So, if you allow water to enter the honey, you may have instances of fermentation. And if you want to save it from fermenting. Then make sure its water content is under 17.1%.   Now, the question arises; how can I store my honey for a period.  Choose an air-tight container. So, will plastic bear bottles make the right fit? Yes. Also, you must have seen them in a plethora of shapes and sizes in the pantry and are a popular choice of people.   As a consumer, now, you must be compelle