
Showing posts from August, 2020

PET Bottle Recycling : Process and Importance

For many environmentalists, recycling symbols begin and end at the recycling bin. And for most people, recycling is a simple act of throwing something away into a large box labelled as a recycling bin which is enough for them to make them feel that they have done their part. When it comes to PET bottle recycling which can include products like water bottles, soda bottles, oil bottles and other similar products customized by a manufacturer into the bin. For some, the process may seem only to bring the bottles to a recycling center near them. While this process of recycling PET bottles or products is accurate to some extent, when it comes to recycling by the manufacturers and suppliers there are many more steps involved before PET plastic can be truly recycled and processed into a whole new product such as a plastic bottle, container, sheet or back into its earlier form. PET Recycling Process: Step1: Collecting PET bottles The very first step in recycling of any plastic be it PE